After several weeks of kicking an idea around, I decided to take the plunge. It's time for this guy to learn how to build apps.
The reason for the hesitancy is reality; this will be no easy feat. When starting anything new, there is a level of naivety … you don't yet know what you don't know. But I hope I have no disillusions here. Developing apps for OS X or iOS is an arduous task, a craft to be learned.
Nonetheless, this is a step I want to take. I simply have to take a high level, long term approach. This is a new skill I'm learning and it could be years before it bears any fruit. With that in mind, I decided I would journal the experience and share it with others. the greatest aspect the Internet has given us is access to knowledge. Education. I hope to share with others for the purpose of helping them learn along with me.

To do this, I created a new site. I could have simply included the content as a section here on my Kirby install. But I decided to give it a bit of separation and I've been looking for an excuse to kick the tires on Siteleaf.
If you're at all interested in developing for a Mac, or seeing what's involved, please follow along. You can subscribe to the updates here. I'll be sharing what I'm working on, where I'm struggling, the resources I'm using to learn as I go, and hopefully, some tips from the amazing community of developers out there.
I'd love to share with you!