Austin Kleon shares how he and wife try to cultivate a space and a time where one can get away from the world.

Kids, jobs, sleep, and a thousand other things will get in the way, but we have to find our own sacred space, our own sacred time.

I give this a hearty, “Amen!” As one who values some daily time away from all the activity and people of my life, I appreciate the idea. And I can understand the need for both a space and time. Oddly enough, I appreciate both.

During the workday, I appreciate the space, my office. It allows me to separate from the goings-on of our busy house of 6. But then, my digital space is crowded and busy as well. So I also enjoy my early morning or late evening times of reading, writing, and pondering (I’ve long been an early riser, but as the children get older and bed times get later, I find myself switching to the evening … which has the added benefit of less noise in my digital spaces).

The entire concept also fits well with Jack Cheng’s Habit Fields. Although my main workspace is down in my office, our family computer is where I tend to work when the house is quiet. It’s where I do most of my writing. It’s the same basic device in both locations, but the activities that take place tend to be different. One is more hectic, then other peaceful.

My bliss station — I like that.