The snow is gone. Grass shoots are poking through. The pleasant gifts from your neighbour's dog have almost dissipated.
Spring has arrived, and with it comes the desire to get off the computer and go outside. Two things I really love about spring: yard work and sitting on the deck with a nicely brewed local beer.
And it's this time of year when I start to remember all the projects I thought about doing at New Years. Four or five months later, the improving weather reminds me that once again all my digital projects have taken precedence and I've neglected most others.
This year I've determined to maintain a healthier balance — it's good to get away from the RSS, email and tweets for a while. And today I was happy to complete a project I've had in the wings for two years. I thought I would share some pictures of the result.
My new work bench
I really enjoy working with wood and have made it a goal to do more projects of this nature. A first good step was to make myself a good work area. So here I found a plan and built this bench.
Here's how it looked at various stages:

And here's the final result. it was fun and I hope there will be more of this to come.