Paper, or not

Adam King recently wrote a great post on his paper based “stay-on-top” set up, titled The Daily Rind []. It's the kind of post I've always enjoyed ever since this topic started to replace actual real work. I say that with tongue in cheek, and I'm laughing at myself, not Adam. I always enjoy getting a look at how the people I admire process things and complete their work. The difference for me now is that I quickly recognize the pull to adapt my ow…

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Spring disconnections

The snow is gone. Grass shoots are poking through. The pleasant gifts from your neighbour's dog have almost dissipated. Spring has arrived, and with it comes the desire to get off the computer and go outside. Two things I really love about spring: yard work and sitting on the deck with a nicely brewed local beer. And it's this time of year when I start to remember all the projects I thought about doing at New Years. Four or five months later, the improving weather reminds me that once again al…

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