Tasks versus relationships

It's funny how ideas for blog posts come to you. I have multiple drafts of articles I would like to write sitting in MarsEdit, and I always set a goal to complete one of them on any given day. But nine times out of ten some random thought will hit me while in the shower or out for a run and that's what I'll end up writing about. I guess most people would call that inspiration or creative juices etc. And that's one of the big reasons I started this blog—to…

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GTD with Highrise

Since I have not been able to find a really good desktop task management application for Windows, I have tried quite a few web apps to fit this need. I've spent a good bit of time with a few and took a quick look at some others. I finally decided to go with Highrise [http://www.highrisehq.com/] from 37Signals [http://www.37signals.com/]. It is not a perfect tool for GTD (does that even exist?), but it fits quite easily into my workflow and how I manage my tasks. Now before I get too far, I have…

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