Marco Arment opines that Curator's Code [] is solving the wrong problem. I'm a fan of Maria Popova and confident that she's put a lot more thought into this subject than I have, so I'm hesitant to add any of my own criticism to Marco's. Giving credit where it's due is a good thing. I applaud those [] who make an effort to point people to those who are good at finding interesting things to read. And I agree with Popova'…
In a piece titled Why French Parents are Superior [] , Pamela Druckerman surmises that the French have some inside knowledge that results in better behaved children and happier, more relaxed parents. I read the posts weeks ago and wanted to share it, but overall, found it too troublesome and frustrating. It’s not link bait, but the title itself is misleading. I’d suggest that the author has some good observations, but…
Four years ago, I started down the path of moving from working in IT to doing something I loved. Web design was where my heart was, but I started writing a blog first because I felt there was a better opportunity to earn an income there. I had no design experience. And so I started The Weekly Review That year was amazing. I wrote a lot, met new people online, and eventually, started Fusion Ads [] with Michael Mistretta []. 18 months after publishi…
Since Apple announced that iCloud would bring free email, calendar and contact syncing, I started counting down to when I could cut my ties with Gmail. I don’t trust Google with my data, haven’t for quite some time. I considered a few other options like Fastmail [] and Atmail [], but the simplicity that Apple offers in both cost and setup kept me waiting. When it comes to trust, Apple has earned mine, simply because I am the customer, not the commodity.…
I was intrigued when I first heard of Ethical Coffee Chain [] (ECC). I was just getting to know the writing and work of Adam King [] when Pat Dryburgh mentioned this project based on social entrepreneurship. And hey, it involves coffee … that's enough to pique my interest on its own. Months later, I was glad to see Adam and the team at ECC get this project up and running. And because I believe in what they're doing, I signed up immediately. Why? What…
I love October. Up here, the air is crisp and almost all the leaves have turned. Winter's not here, but it's not far off either. I'm fond of all four seasons, and I especially enjoy the transitions between. In October, the year is coming to a close and with Canadian Thanksgiving, I start to remind myself of how I blessed I am. We recently moved — again. The last few years have been a search, the type of restlessness you feel when your clothes don't fit quite right. We've been looking…
With my morning coffee, there are several criteria that have to be met in order for me to be satisfied. The coffee must be hot. Bold. Fresh, relatively. And last, it must be consistent. This last item relies heavily on the “setup”, or your equipment and environment you use to make your joe. If you listen to the Minimal Mac podcast, Enough, you may have heard me and a few others [] discussing our own setups []. I mentioned that…
Starting a podcast teaches you a lot. After 13 episodes, I have a greater appreciation for those have had a lot of podcasting success. There's a lot of time and little details that go into making a good show, in terms of content and quality. Photo by Ben Brooks [] I have no vision of being the next Dan Benjamin or Leo Laporte, but I do want to give people something enjoyable to listen to. So there is pain every time I edit an episode and hear all…