It’s been interesting to see so many different approaches to improving Finder in OS X. There have been complete separate apps [] to give additional functionality, as well as utilities [] that add features to Finder itself. Nothing has ever stuck for me, and I’ve learned to live with a combination of Finder and LaunchBar to do most things. Lately though, in the spirit of Minimal Mac [], I’ve taken to using Transmit [http…
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We live in a time where it has become extremely difficult to be focused on any one thing at a time. If we are able to achieve this proper focus, lack of proper environment and our own abilities are not able to sustain this focus for long. The disciplines of simplicity and solitude are not practiced by many and I fear we are slowly losing the ability to do so even when a chance presents itself. > Where shall the world be found, where will the word resound? Not here, there is not enough silence.…