Media accounting 101: appholes and contracts

I enjoyed this long essay from Craig Mod on a handful of related topics. Most importantly, he touches on how habits define our identity and why most people would not want to be described as social media addicts. But readers? Yes, very much yes please. > We’re amicable to calling ourselves readers for the same reason we want to identify as rock climbers or marathon runners or exceptional parents or selfless children or humanitarians or folks who’ve written thoughtful and considered books — becau…

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RescueTime for iOS

I’ve been using RescueTime for a few years now, and I have come to appreciate it. But for whatever reason, I never had any desire to install the version for iOS. Until recently. What I like about it The app tracks your pickups and how much time you spend on your device. I like the way it summarizes the pickups — both the total and the location and timing of them. It’s a nice way to visualize how much you’re reaching for the phone. But where the real value of the iOS comes into play for me is…

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Mouse or trackpad?

Marius Masalar asks the question of which input device is easier to use. His own answer? Both. > My usage is by no means exclusively as described above, but in general if I’m moving a cursor and clicking, it’s with the mouse, and if I’m navigating a canvas or scrolling, it’s with the trackpad. Personally, with a trackpad on one machine (my main laptop) and Magic Mouse on another (our family laptop), there’s no comparison. I’ll take a trackpad 100% of the time. All the pain I used to experience…

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Travel / walking gear

Yeah, I’m a sucker for this kind of post — I love to read about what people purchase for traveling and how they pack it all to go. Craig Mod shares his kit and since his recent travels are a little more robust than most, the list is long and contains some gear many of us do not need. But it’s fun to read regardless. I didn’t go through the exercise, but I’m betting Craig’s list here is in excess of $20,000. Good gear costs more for good reason and I’m a fan of…

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On Cloudsurfer

All shoe companies claim unique designs, but once in a while a shoe comes along that actually deserves the disctinction. Are the offerings from On Running worthy?

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Alan Jacobs shares why he likes writing his newsletter each week (emphasis mine): > Since I wrote that post I have started a newsletter, because a email newsletter is also a seasoned technology, and I wondered if I might be able to do some things with it that I can’t do with this blog. I’m still experimenting, still learning, still looking for what will make that project sing — but I am really enjoying it so far, and getting some lovely responses from people, and this morning I realized that on…

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Good software is built by helping people do what they need better than they can currently. Adding new features does not necessarily have that result.

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