Back to The Weekly Review

It’s been exactly one year since I stopped writing my weekly newsletter, The Weekly Review. This time last year, I was neck deep in a new job that required far more than 40 hours per week. Writing a 1,500–2,000 word newsletter each and every week was not something I could sustain when my early mornings required catch up time from the day previous. This was a really hard move for me. I’ve loved writing since I started my first blog in 2008. But there was something special about the weekly routi…

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A beginning

After several weeks of kicking an idea around, I decided to take the plunge. It's time for this guy to learn how to build apps. The reason for the hesitancy is reality; this will be no easy feat. When starting anything new, there is a level of naivety … you don't yet know what you don't know. But I hope I have no disillusions here. Developing apps for OS X or iOS is an arduous task, a craft to be learned. Nonetheless, this is a step I want to take. I simply have to take…

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The Internet has connected us in many ways, but we only get a glimpse of one another. I want to get past the persona and know the person.

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