You're going to fail in life. What you do about it is the important question to answer.
What makes your customer successful? It differs from one company or team to the next, but you better be thinking about it!
The web has made learning and finding information easier than ever. We're all students. But if you're sharing content, that means you're also a teacher. Are you thinking like one?
It’s been exactly one year since I stopped writing my weekly newsletter, The Weekly Review. This time last year, I was neck deep in a new job that required far more than 40 hours per week. Writing a 1,500–2,000 word newsletter each and every week was not something I could sustain when my early mornings required catch up time from the day previous. This was a really hard move for me. I’ve loved writing since I started my first blog in 2008. But there was something special about the weekly routi…
Ulysses from Soulmen seems to be a perfect mix of a great writing and document management environment.
Remove friction for doing work and increase friction for activities that we can do in place of work.
After several weeks of kicking an idea around, I decided to take the plunge. It's time for this guy to learn how to build apps. The reason for the hesitancy is reality; this will be no easy feat. When starting anything new, there is a level of naivety … you don't yet know what you don't know. But I hope I have no disillusions here. Developing apps for OS X or iOS is an arduous task, a craft to be learned. Nonetheless, this is a step I want to take. I simply have to take…
The Internet has connected us in many ways, but we only get a glimpse of one another. I want to get past the persona and know the person.