Designing Twist: The challenge of making teamwork less stressful

I haven’t used this service, but I sure appreciate the thinking behind it. The team at Doist (the creators of Todoist) noticed how Slack was changing how they worked: > When our remote team started using Slack three years ago, we experienced the subtle but real impact that design has on behavior. From its free-flowing chat channels to its one-line-at-a-time message composers, everything about Slack was designed to keep you communicating with your team in real-time, all the time. (It’s not surpr…

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What am I doing in Uganda?

Pat Dryburgh has been a friend since … shoot, 2008 or so. He designed a lot of the ads for the Fusion Ads network, along with some of the other branding work for the business. And so I was excited when we met in person for the first time last summer. During our visit, he mentioned he was leaving the agency he was working for to go on his own again. And this spring he took a huge step and left the comfy confines of the west coast of Canada to travel to Uganda. He wrote the post above in March…

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How to design words

John Saito writes for a living, but his is a unique application. The format he primarily writes for is user interfaces. It’s a format that necessitates a certain type of writing. As he puts it: > You see, I mostly write interface text for apps and websites. It’s a style of writing where brevity beats brilliance, and every character counts. Writing interface text is actually a lot like design—designing words for people who hate to read. He then goes on to give some great tips for how to write co…

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