I’ve tried to keep things positive in my writing and social presence. But as we move forward in 2020, although I know I should be focusing on how to move things forward on the unjust treatment of black and indigenous people, and that I should help people see the importance of remaining diligent with social distancing and similar measures, I must confess … I’m really tired.
It’s been almost five months of living full time at home with our children. And although we’ve had a lot of great days, and everyone is working hard to dwell in unity and improve how we treat one another, the cumulative effect of the day after day interactions are wearing on this introvert.
Parents everywhere need a break.
I hate saying these things as my children are a blessing and amazing humans. But I’d rather be real with you (and myself) then put on a false front. This has been a hard time. Moments of silence are few. My attention is fractured and spread all over the place, resulting in a less than stellar performance as an employee and as a parent. Both areas deserve better.
But … as I closed a recent newsletter, I still look forward. I still hope in the future. And I do my best to count my blessings on the hard days, for I have so much to be thankful for.
How can companies help?
Related to this, my time at work has been focused lately on the strain parents are under now. As news breaks in multiple states that school will be closed until at least November, I've been looking for examples of how companies are helping their teams get through this time.
That has been helpful for me as I see more and more teams and team leaders start to understand and live the belief that more work does not mean better work. More and more companies are learning that flexibility in hours not only means happier home situations, but it often results in better work. And, perhaps more importantly, it results in happier, engaged employees who are more likely to stay around.
When you know your team has your back in tough times, it naturally leads to feeling a greater desire to return the favour. And that's why I'm enjoying building People-First Jobs so much. It's a collection of companies who are taking the right approach, and I'm so thankful to be able to recommend a list of great places to work.
If you know examples of companies who are helping the parents on their team, I'd love to hear about it.