In a similar vein to the previous post, Random House recently launched an update to their site. It's responsive and the type is well set. Ordering books online can be a risky proposition. But the Random House site gives each book [] a thorough summary. It's the most pleasurable experience I've had previewing potential books to purchase (apart from Amazon reviews, natch). Whether you're looking for a new book or not, the site itself is worth a look.…
The folks at Webtype are all kinds of smart. If you've subscribed to their newsletter, you'll know what I'm referring to. Now they're at it again. This page [] is an example of how you can put their offerings to use. In this case, they showcase one particular typeface [] and how to use it well. Be sure to click the alternate style in the header (Expressive). Source []…
What do you get from a strict, consistent writing schedule? Results. Noted. Source []…
Thomas Byttebier makes a great case for using text labels over icons. I've been thinking on this of late, largely thanks to Rian van der Merwe []. Once you start looking for this issue, you see it everywhere (like the footer of this site). How often do designers add an icon because it makes perfect sense to them, unknowingly causing confusion? But if we can't agree on a universal icon to represent Save, perhaps sticking with text truly is the best optio…
My old boss, Mathew Patterson, shares his process for preparing for a talk. He gives details on everything from choosing a topic, to writing the outline, to going through several drafts. My own process is similar. I tend to start in a text editor (iA Writer on my iPad, Ulysses on my Mac) to capture the main points. The flow of my talk then comes into shape in Keynote. The slides are minimal, but details are included in my speaker’s notes. Rands gives a similar (and more detailed) description […
I’ve been fascinated with the changes to Medium of late; they’re doing some great work that makes it an attractive platform (for reading and writing). But it’s not attractive enough to give up the control of my content []. Matthew Butterick sums up the points more excellently than I have to date. There are some fantastic pull quotes in his article! Source []…
Source [] Josh Ginter's The Newsprint has become one of my favourite reads in my RSS reader. And his Sunday Edition posts never fail to give me one solid read each week (this past week: the heart stopping free soloist [] ). This is exactly what drew me to the world of blogging. Personal sites where a writer takes extra care to craft a welcoming envi…
Do we tinker too much? Or is our self reflection and desire to change our habits a positive thing?