My favourite writer writing about email newsletters. This is the epitome of my reading experience. About the burgeoning popularity of the age old technology, Craig Mod has this to say: > Newsletters and newsletter startups these days are like mushrooms in an open field after a good spring rain. I don’t know a single writer who isn’t newslettering or newsletter-curious, and for many, the newsletter is where they’re doing their finest public work. And while we often discuss this topic in terms of…
All posts in email
Quartz does email well. Really well. The Daily Obsession is a must read.
I like newsletters, not ashamed to say it. Here are some of my favourites.
Cal Newport suggests we get rid of email, but is this medium truly the problem? This knowledge worker prefers asynchronous options over the popular alternatives like Slack.
Back to the topic of why newsletters are a good choice [] for writers. This piece by Simon Owens perfectly sums up my thoughts. In it, he opines that email newsletters are similar to the handmade zines of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. In contrast to carefully edited and displayed content of the web, newsletters are more haphazard: > Many newsletters feature a hodgepodge of unrelated sections, images, and GIFs, and they take a distinctly informal tone in…
There has been no greater exercise to improve my writing than to write a series of onboarding emails. I’ve done this at InVision and Wildbit and am so thankful for the experience.
Are email newsletters really a good way to deliver content to your readership?
There has been a gap in how I manage my work for a long time. It's a little thing and is no bother most of the time. But when things get crazy, or if I'm not careful, some important task falls through the cracks of my system. I'm referring to the follow up email. This is a straight forward concept. I have a task or project that is my responsibility, but depends on others to do some work. I email them, asking for information or for work to be done. Down the road, I…