Fortnite pastoral

I missed this earlier in the fall, but Robin Sloan shared his impressions of the reboot of Fortnite when Epic Games launched Chapter 2. What caught his attention? The look, the feel, the atmosphere of it. > Now, the island has grown up. A few landmarks remain, planted in new locations like scattered seeds, but the terrain is totally different, and it’s the terrain that is the star. The new island’s geography is softer, more natural. Mountains flow into moraine. Hills flatten into meadows. Draws…

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Should you let your kids play Fortnite? Well…

On this theme, if you have kids older than 5, then you’ve most likely had requests to get Fortnite. It’s the current rage right now and as someone who spent many nights playing 4-on-4 battles of Goldeneye, I understand the allure. We’ve taken a stand against this kind of gaming in our home for now, but it’s something all parents have to think about. This article does a good job of discussing the pros and cons. It also touches on aspects of gaming that my parents never had to worry about. It’s…

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Why The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is my game of the year

I shared a couple of weeks back about gaming in our home []. Part of that essay was focused on how much I (and my kids) are enjoying Breath of the Wild. This article from late 2017 does such a nice job of summing up why it’s such an enjoyable game. > The vast majority of open-world games are actually very linear in terms of their core progression, with a series of primary story beats that have to be played through in order. Prior Zelda games were much the s…

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My favorite “what should I try first” games by category

My friend and coworker Rian recently started a new blog (ok, it’s on Medium so I don’t want to call it a blog, but it’s essentially a blog and he’s my friend so I’ve kept the chastising to a minimum) where he and another friend review board games. And it’s pretty cool! Titled Boardgame Realm, they describe the site this way: > Photos and reviews of family games, solo games, and heavier endeavors. Being highly competitive, I enjoy games of any type. However, my spouse does not. And so for the l…

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