3 ways to make the journaling habit stick

My most read piece on Medium is How I Journal [https://chrisbowler.com/journal/how-i-journal]. Since writing that, I’ve received a lot of questions about my journal, Day One, and how I put it all together. But there is one question that comes up more than all the others. How can I start journaling and make the habit stick? A lot of people see the value of keeping a journal, but struggle to fully adopt the habit. It’s very easy to try out an app like Day One, add several entries over a week, th…

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How to use Day One as a commonplace book

I've shared my own system for remembering what I read over at The Sweet Setup. For the holiday season, I wrote a series of three posts that cover how you can put Day One to use as a digital commonplace book. * Part 1 [https://thesweetsetup.com/keeping-commonplace-book-part-1/] * Part 2 [https://thesweetsetup.com/how-to-use-day-one-as-a-commonplace-book-part-ii/] * Part 3 [https://thesweetsetup.com/how-to-use-day-one-as-a-commonplace-book-part-iii/] The purpose here is to put all your…

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How and why to keep a “commonplace book”

This is something my friend Patrick Rhone talked about often [http://www.thecramped.com/?s=commonplace] over at The Cramped (at least, before he went nonline [http://patrickrhone.com/2017/03/03/on-sabbatical/]). He linked to this very post in fact. And I love the idea, even if it is one I have not adopted myself. What is a commonplace book? Holiday explains it this way: > A commonplace book is a central resource or depository for ideas, quotes, anecdotes, observations and information you come…

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What’s in my Day One

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about Day One. It’s an app I use regularly, yet greatly underutilize. This is partly because I lost my habit of regular journalling a few years back, the act of taking time every day to jot down some thoughts or the events of the day. Most of my Day One usage of late has been the automation of getting items in there from other sources plus tracking my Bible study [https://chrisbowler.com/journal/bible-journalling]. But I could do so much more with it, both with s…

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