This article is interesting to me for two reasons. One, it well illustrates the different type of communication preferences people have. And how that can be hard when your boss communicates differently than you. > I once had a boss who would send me a series of two-word emails throughout the day, each one bearing the same message: “Call me.” Each time I received one of these emails, the hairs on the back of my neck would stiffen and my stomach would churn violently. The author’s reaction was ne…
One thing I have come to appreciate about Cal Newport’s Deep Work is the focus on weaning yourself from stimulus. I say appreciate, not experience. I still struggle with habits that have been ingrained over the past 10 years. But one area where I am coming to see the most benefit — and one where this ability to focus is most critical — is in communion with God. How can I expect to be changed by the word if I cannot read for more than a few minutes without doing something else? Or if I cannot pr…
My teammate Garrett Dimon [] shared some thoughts earlier this year on employment vs. self-employment []. One part stuck out for me: > Being self-employed is great. And it’s not so great. Like anything, there are tradeoffs. For you, the tradeoffs may be worth it. Or, they might not. Or, they may not be the right tradeoffs at this point in your life. Just don’t put self-employment on a pedestal. There are…
As I mentioned in January [], a primary focus for my writing this year would be to review some of the answers I've found over the years to the following questions: > So If I’m going to pursue a life of depth, if I’m going to actively pursue God, to seek him and knock on the door, how will I go about it? How can I follow the exhortations I see in Scripture, to be holy as he is holy, without moving my focus from him to my works? The answer is…
If there was ever a “well, duh” sub-title, this is it: > The software maker, which once prided itself on a flat corporate environment similar to Valve and Zappos, finds that workers can benefit from a little direction. This article discusses the progress that GitHub has taken from a holocracy to its current structure. It includes some of the struggles the company has gone through over the past few years and their direction for the company. I find the topic of leadership and company culture a f…
Despite the fact that Bluetooth is one of the worst user experiences in history, the AirPods are the very opposite.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about Day One. It’s an app I use regularly, yet greatly underutilize. This is partly because I lost my habit of regular journalling a few years back, the act of taking time every day to jot down some thoughts or the events of the day. Most of my Day One usage of late has been the automation of getting items in there from other sources plus tracking my Bible study []. But I could do so much more with it, both with s…
Rian Van Der Merwe gets himself an Amazon Echo and shares his insights into the experience. But more importantly, as a father of two young girls, he shares some thoughts on the difficulties of raising kids with all this new technology available. > “Alexa, are we bad parents?” This is, of course, the big question when it comes to technology. Should we immerse our kids in it or should we shield them from it? We all find our own way when it comes to parenting, and even though we’re still working o…