How I got my attention back

Here’s another enjoyable essay from Craig Mod. He’s one of my very favourite writers and this article was no different. However, although I usually read Craig’s writing and feel like he’s ahead of the rest of us, that was not the case for this article. His experience reminds me of many others in the past year or two (example [] ). By the time I finished the post, I thought back to how Cal Newport opines that Inte…

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Renewing Medium’s focus

Interesting news from the Medium CEO. A large chunk of the Medium team has been let go and they’re trying to figure out how to make money. On the one hand, I chuckle a little and think, “Here we go again.” Medium is Ev’s third company that he has built that has not made a profit while he’s in charge. And the news is not surprising at all. On the other hand, I do admire them for being willing to attempt to monetize in some new fashion, rather than the tired model of current web publishing. Ev…

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Knowing vs. knowing about

It's maddeningly easy to spend a lot of time learning about God. He's left us his word. We have centuries worth of writing from people who followed him. We can go to church and hear all kinds of interesting facts about him. And in all of that, we can come away not knowing him. Christ adds some scary words at the end of the sermon on the mount (Matthew 7:21–23): > On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and…

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Leadership hacks from Rands

I enjoy the more practical nature of these tips. Especially the advice to have three questions he wants answered from each meeting prepped ahead of time. If he can't come up with theee questions for a given meeting, the question then becomes, "Why is this on my calendar?" And on the lost art of punctuality: > Two minutes early. For everything. This means I look at my calendar at the beginning of the day and account for transit time. This means I gracefully leave the prior meeting five minutes…

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How I use notebooks

Mike Vardy talks a little about how he uses paper in conjunction with his overall digital productivity system. While his overall list of tasks is in an app, he uses paper for a few purposes. One stuck out to me: > There are times when I feel stuck, and that’s when I’ll bring some of the items in my task manager onto the larger paper pad/notebook. This gives me a good view at what I’ve got on tap for the day. Then I’ll evaluate those items in tandem with other factors (energy level, whether it…

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