Focus for 2017

Happy Monday, everyone! I wanted to remind you that The Focus Course is open for registration as of today. Shawn and his team have refreshed the course and added new content (including the recent Focus Summit videos). For all those who sign up early on, there is also the chance to win some cool prizes. Register here [] Full disclosure: as a guest of the Focus Summit, I benefit from referring people to sign up for The Focus Course. I hope that you’ve been read…

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Becoming better writers

This one is an interesting link. It’s not to an article, but rather to a response to a response. Jason Fried wrote about why Basecamp does not conduct status meetings [] , then followed up on several responses to his post. This one stuck out to me, as he followed up to a person who stated, “Some of us just are not that good at writing stuff down.” His reply: > It’s worth working on becoming a better writer. So mu…

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Life as a Christian

From my 15 year or so years of being involved in a church, I’ve come to see two basic approaches to being a Christian. Our pastor summed this up really well recently, putting this way. One way seeks to answer the question, “How do I fit Christ into my life?” The other way understands that Christ is my life. This is such a profound way to look at things. Let's contrast the two approaches. How do I fit Christ into my life? In this approach, life is full of responsibilities & commitments, joys &…

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Faith and the workplace: created for good works

It’s been 8 years since I developed the habit of getting up long before the rest of the house. There is something about those early morning hours; the blessed stillness before the bustle of a family of 6 begins their day. I’ve long treasured the opportunity that this time offers, the ability to get the day started in whatever way suits me best. And it’s these times where I develop most as a person. Whether it’s time spent in prayer, meditation, studying the Word, or writing and creating in any…

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Being busy doesn’t mean you're successful

Chris Savage, co-founder of Wistia [], shares a little about how he had to change how he approached his own work. As their business grew, his time became more scarce as more and more things filled it up. And that was a problem: > There comes a point when your effectiveness falters, though, when you’re no longer focusing on the right things or doing your best work. In fact, you may have already passed that point, but you didn’t realize because your busy schedule made yo…

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The Focus Summit

It's no secret that I think a bit lot about how people work. That's one reason why I enjoyed Shawn Blanc's Focus Course so much and why I've talked about it so much over the last 18 months. And so I'm also excited for his upcoming Focus Summit []. What is it? > An online summit featuring candid and powerful video conversations with some of the world's best creative entrepreneurs. I was flattered to have Shawn invite me to be involved. And now that…

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The best meditation app is no app at all

Drew Coffman makes an excellent observation: > I have once or twice been caught in a situation where my Apple Watch is off my person or dead, and I have been discouraged to exercise, knowing that none of the data will be tracked. When the tools become the focus, we’re off target. I have to be mindful of this myself; there is a balance with these types of tools. The past several months, I’ve used a combination of Gyroscope, Moves, Rescuetime, and Apple’s Health app to track a lot of things. I’ve…

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