Seeking his presence

This is another marvellous truth. Although we cannot come into the presence of God’s glory without the redeeming work of Christ, God himself is not far off. He is not hidden in some secret place, only available once a person solves the right mystery. He is here, manifest in creation all around us.

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Let’s stop calling them ‘soft skills’

I’m not a big reader of Seth Godin, despite how popular he is. But this post was great. Fair warning: it is a sales pitch at the end. I love this quote: > Culture defeats strategy, every time. Mr. Godin makes some great observations that the most important skills in the workplace are the ones that never get any attention. Not in our education, not in hiring practices, and not when recognizing good work. Why? > We underinvest in this training, fearful that these things are innate and can’t be…

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Four reasons to slow down

This was a good reminder for me. Jon Bloom shares how he’s adapted his reading goals year over year. What really got my attention was the section titled “We are pursuing transformation, not information.” > God’s purpose in our learning is that we become Christlike (Romans 8:29), not that we become information databases. Amen. And ouch — that hits home for me. I find it easy to get into the intellectual aspects of theology and study, but personal relationship? That’s another matter. I’ve been qu…

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Why walking helps us think

Walking is a subject dear to my heart. Ferris Jabr makes the case for walking above all other activities for doing our best work. He starts: > What is it about walking, in particular, that makes it so amenable to thinking and writing? The answer begins with changes to our chemistry. When we go for a walk, the heart pumps faster, circulating more blood and oxygen not just to the muscles but to all the organs—including the brain. And where as some physical activities require our focus, walking do…

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