Faith requires more than intellect

Recently, Paul Boag shared [] how he came to a belief in God and His Son, Christ Jesus. He gave his story in response to those who often react in surprise when discovering his faith; those who do not believe in God cannot understand how a rational, intelligent person could believe such things. Paul’s article was built around the idea that believing in God and the person of Jesus Christ is intellectually sound. I was thankful to s…

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The Twitter web interface

Things change as you get older. I've been using Twitter for over 7 years now (7!) and my love for the service is the same. I don't put a lot of value in how the company is run, but the service itself has thankfully remained the same over the years. The below was written originally for my weekly newsletter. Enjoy items like this each week for less than one coffee [] a month. And up until very recently, I considered Tweetbot to be the ultimate…

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