As Dropbox announces its latest moves, has the file storage company lost a bit of its focus?
A discussion of several task management tools and why software often doesn't quite fit our needs.
It's been just over a year since I added a support page to this site and made it possible for readers to become members. In return, members would receive updates on my personal projects and the site newsletter. It's pretty typical of site memberships — nothing radical. Why earn anything at all off writing? Anyone who has run a site consistently knows the time and effort involved. It's not mandatory — the content will still be published here. But if readers want to help out and feel the content…
The need to discipline our brains is real; otherwise we believe in the notion that we always need to up to date.
Day One's ability to Publish entries is now publicly available.
Despite all the talk about how to run a successful remote team, there's a lack of focus on what it takes to be a good remote employee.
iCloud has made being a Mac user better overall, but not so much when it comes to storing and working with files.
Many web animations are overdone and wreck the experience for the user. But is there a place for tasteful enhancement of good content? Maybe there is …